Sunday, September 23, 2018

Hensonville Directory

Please note that I have not included the Westkill and Bushnellville listings since both are located in the Town of Lexington, Greene County, NY and I prefer to focus only on the Town of Windham.

Page 367 of a circa 1890 directory that includes a listing of the residents and businesses of the hamlet of Hensonville, Town of Windham, Greene County, NY. The hamlet of Big Hollow was not included in the photocopies I received. There must be a section for that hamlet because too many names of known residents are missing from the Hensonville and Windham pages. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of the title page, the year it was published, nor the meaning of abbreviations used, although I can make an educated guess about the latter.

gen'l = general
h = house
lab = laborer
rd = road
wid = widow



Distant about 7 miles from Hunter and 2 miles from Windham. Stage connection from Hunter.

Beers Julian, teamster h Corners

Bloodgood Cyrus E. farmer and boarding house, Hunter rd
Bloodgood Isaac (L. & I. Bloodgood)
Bloodgood Levi (L. & I. Bloodgood)
Bloodgood L. & I. (Levi & Isaac), gen'l store
Bloodgood Jason, h Big Hollow rd
Bloodgood Mrs. Martha, wid, h Big Hollow rd
Butler Mrs. Sarah, wid, Big Hollow rd
Chase Albert & Son, summer boarding house and farmer, Catskill rd
Conley Alexander, retired farmer, h Catskill rd
Cook Ellsworth, carpenter h Hunter rd
Cook & Hanly, carpenters, Main
Crandell Willard, school teacher, Big Hollow rd
Dingman Charles, grain thresher, Catskill rd
Distin George, carpenter, Hunter rd
Dunham Albert, speculator, Big Hollow rd

(Scroll down for more information on these people.)

Genealogical Notes

Julian G. Beers - died 26 Jan 1948
Cyrus Edward Bloodgood - died 10 Aug 1914
Isaac L. Bloodgood - died 28 Sep 1938
Levi B. Bloodgood - died 16 Nov 1927
Jason F. Bloodgood - died 25 May 1906
Martha (Radcliff) Bloodgood - died 5 May 1902
Her husband, Samuel Bloodgood, died on 20 Sep 1868.
Sarah A. (Hotaling) Butler - died 24 Jul 1925
Her husband, Wellington Butler, died on 4 Apr 1888.
Albert Chase - died 13 Oct 1902
Alexander Conley - died 1 Mar 1907
Ellsworth Cook - died 14 Jul 1945
Willard J. Crandell - died 18 Aug 1924
Charles J. Dingman - died 7 Nov 1934
George H. Distin - died 26 Dec 1922
Elbert J. Dunham - died 11 Dec 1913

Page 368 of a circa 1890 directory that includes a listing of the residents and businesses of the hamlet of Hensonville, Town of Windham, Greene County, NY.

Gardinier oJhn P. miller, Big Hollow rd
Graham Nelson, shoemaker, Hunter rd
Graham Samuel R. wagon repository, Hunter rd
Griffin & Slater (George P. Griffin and David T. Slater), genl merchandise Corner
Griffin Mrs. Mary, wid, h Hunter rd
Griffin Orrin S. summer boarding house, Catskill rd
Haines Zenus, farmer, Windham rd
Haney Daniel, blacksmith, Hunter rd
Ham Martin, farmer, Big Hollow rd
Hayes Addison, h Catskill rd
Hopeman Mrs. John, wid, h Hunter rd
Hitchcock William H. sawyer, feed mill and summer boarding house, Catskill rd
Holcomb Dr Friend H. physician and surgeon, Big Hollow rd
Holcomb A. Gay, summer boarders and farmer, Big Hollow rd
Humphrey Lorenzo, lab, h Catskill rd
Johnson Joseph R. teamster, h Big Hollow rd
Laughran George H. summer boarding house and farmer, Windham rd
McGlashen Mrs. Mary J. wid, h Catskill rd
McLean William J. farmer, Catskill rd
Maynard Spencer C. summer boarding house, Big Hollow rd
Makely Frederick B. hardware, nr Corner, h Catskill rd
Mallory Lafayette, summer boarding house and carpenter, Hunter rd
Merwin David S. insurance, Catskill rd
Merwin Theodore H. cooper, Catskill rd
Newcomb William V. postmaster and hotel keeper, Main
Newkirk James (Newkirk & Son), h Hunter rd
Newkirk William (Newkirk & Son), h Hunter rd 
Newkirk & Son, carpenters, Main
North Frederick, Big Hollow rd
Peck Chauncey, farmer, Big Hollow rd
Peck Linus, summer boarding house and farm, Windham rd
Potter Humphrey R. h Catskill rd
Rattcliff George, farmer, h Windham rd
Rogers Charles, carpenter Main
Seeley George, summer boarders, Big Hollow rd
Shultz Alexander, farmer, Windham rd
Shultz Kenneth E. farmer, Windham rd
Simpking Daniel, farmer, Big Hollow rd
Turk Mrs. Sarah, wid, Big Hollow rd
Vining Peter, farmer, Hunter rd
Vining Stephen, teamster, Hunter rd
Winchell George R. bowling alley and billiards, Hunter rd
Winchell Mrs. G. R. millinery, Hunter rd
Winfield Mrs. Margaret, wid, h Big Hollow rd

(Scroll down for more information on these people.)

Genealogical Notes

John P. Gardinier

William Nelson Graham - died 22 Jun 1916
Samuel Richards Graham - died 19 Feb 1916
George P. Griffin - died 31 Jul 1912
David T. Slater - died 23 May 1929
Mary Elizabeth (Brockett) Pelham Griffin - died 24 Feb 1916
Her first husband, Stephen Pelham, died on 26 Sep 1878.
Her second husband, Henry J. Griffin, died on 3 Nov 1887.
Orrin S. Griffin - died 8 Mar 1927
Zenas G. Haynes - died 21 Dec 1911
Daniel Haney - died 17 Apr 1902
Martin Ham - died 18 May 1902
Addison Samuel Hayes - died 4 Jul 1904
Eleanor (maiden name unknown) Hotaling / Houghtaling Hapeman - died 30 Nov 1904
Her husband, John B. Hapeman, died 9 Dec 1889.
William Hayes Hitchcock - died 15 Dec 1926
Dr. Friend H. Holcomb - died 28 Jan 1894
Abel Gay Holcomb - died 31 May 1915
Lorenzo Humphrey - died 8 Feb 1945
Joseph R. Johnson
George H. Loughran - died 4 Jan 1931
Mrs. Mary J. McGlashen - died 31 Jan 1904
William J. McClean - died 9 Mar 1922
Spencer C. Maynard - died 7 Sep 1895
Frederick B. Makely - died 18 May 1934
Lafayette Mallory - died 2 Sep 1923
David S. Merwin - died 20 Sep 1900
Theodore H. Merwin - died 28 May 1920
William V. Newcomb - died 11 May 1826
James Newkirk - died 3 May 1934
William Newkirk - died 2 Jan 1950
Frederick North - died 28 Jan 1914
Chauncey Peck
Linus Peck - died 3 Feb 1921
Humphrey R. Potter
George Radcliff / Ratcliff
Charles Rogers
George Seeley
Alexander Shultz
Kenneth E. Shultz
Daniel Simpkins
Mrs. Sarah Turk
Peter Vining
Stephen Vining
George R. Winchell
Mrs. George R. Winchell
Mrs. Margaret Winfield

Page 369 of a circa 1890 directory that includes a listing of the residents and businesses of the hamlet of Hensonville, Town of Windham, Greene County, NY.

To be continued...

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